

Increased surveillance jurisdictions are actively working with the FATF to resolve strategic flaws in their anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist funding, and anti-proliferation financing regimes. When the FATF places a jurisdiction under heightened monitoring, it signifies that the government has agreed to address recognised strategic shortcoming quickly and within agreed-upon timelines, and that it will be monitored more closely. This list is referred to as the “grey list” by outsiders.

The FATF and FATF-style regional bodies (FSRBs) are continuing to work with the jurisdictions listed below as they report on their progress in fixing strategic flaws. The FATF urges these countries to complete their action plans as soon as possible and within the agreed-upon deadlines. The FATF keeps a close eye on their development.


The FATF issued a release in March 2022


Added below countries to the “grey list”

United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Mali, Haiti, and Turkey


The jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies

Albania, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Malta, Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda.


Jurisdiction no longer subject to increased monitoring



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Mohammed Ashraf
Executive Director
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